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Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

Hyuuga clan

The Hyuuga clan’s history has not been discussed much. The Hyuuga clan have a kekei Genkai abilitiy called the byakugan. The byakugan gives the Hyuuga clan a great advantage. It allows them to have nearly 360 degrees of vision, the ability to see the iternal chakra coil system 361 pressure points. You can see why the Hyuuga clan is highly respected. This power caused a rift in the family. The Hyuuga clan split into two parts. The main family and the branch family. The main family controlled the branch family. I will now explain how the main family controlled the branch family and what classifies as a branch member.
hyuuga clan
The Hyuuga clan is known for putting a cursed seal on the branch members of the clan. From all the reading I have done it, the seal is known as the juin seal. Another name that I have heard is the caged bird seal. When children of the branch family are three or four years old, the cursed seal is put on them. The cursed seal is applied for many reasons. One reason is that the Hyuuga clan is very protective about the secrets of the byakugan. When a branch member dies, the cursed seal disappears and takes the secret of the byakugan with it. Basically the cursed seal destroys the byakugan. That way no one can discover how the byakugan works. A more important reason why the cursed seal is applied is that the seal can be used as a weapon by the main family. When the cursed seal is activated, it causes severe pain. Brain cells can be damaged and in some cases even death. All that is needed to activate to seal is the flick of the hand or the wrist. Some main branch members even activated the seal as punishment. They could even threaten to activate the seal on branch members. Because of the threat, many branch members did what they were told. The branch family was being used as pawns by the main family.
Neiji_in_the_bathroom_by_Autumn_Sac.jpg Hyuuga Neji_06 image by _Nanju_
A member of the branch family can be born in the main family, but due to their fate they are considered a branch member. Take for example Hizashi Hyuuga. Hizashi is Neji’s father and brother to Hiashi Hyuuga. Hiashi is Hinita and Hanabi’s father. Both brothers are twins but because Hizashi was born a few seconds after Hiashi, he is considered a branch member of the family. His fate was sealed when he was born and had the cursed seal applied to him. As you can see, only the oldest child in the main family is destined to be the heir of the clan. All the secrets are passed on like how to apply the cursed seal and how to use it to keep branch members in line. Branch members are also not taught the full secrets of the byakugan and the advanced gentle fists fighting technique
What_a_family_means_to_me_by_Byakug.jpg Hyuuga clan image by _Nanju_
Hizashi resented being a branch member. He wished that Neji, his son would not have the cursed applied to him. Hizashi even wished that Neji could learn the advanced techniques of the gentle fist. To prove a point and to keep Hizashi in check, Hiashi activated Hizashi’s seal in front of Neji. This shows the main branch is very cruel. Hizashi did not die from the seal being activated but was in immense pain.
Some time later, an attempt was done to kidnap Hinita. The village of Koumogakure wanted to know the secrets of the byakugan. Hiashi was able to stop and kill the kidnapper from Kumogakure. The village of Kumogakure want retribution for the death of their fallen comrade. To keep the peace the third hokage agreed to send the murderer to Kumogakure for punishment. Hiashi was willing to go but Hizashi insisted that he took Hiashi’s place instead. Both brothers were identical so Kumogakure would not know the difference until it was to late. Hizashi agreed to take Hiashi’s place to protect his brother. He was not forced to go by the main family. The secrets of the byakugan would not be revealed to outsiders. I believe this was a turning point in how the Hyuuga main family operated.
The Hyuuga Clan
Neji grew up believing that his father was forced to sacrifice himself to protect the main family. After Neji lost to Naruto at the chunin exams, Hiashi gave a letter to Neiji written by Neji’s father eplaining his death. Hiashi fealt ashamed for the past sins that he had done and asked for forgiveness. Hiashi also started to train and show the advanced getle fist technique to Neji. Hiashi I believed also stopped putting the cursed seal on members of his clan. In the past, branch members could be younger siblings to the heir. If this is true then Hanabi, Hinita’s younger sister, should of had the seal applied to her by her father. Hanabi from my understanding did not have the cursed seal applied to her by her father. All of this is leads me to believe that because of Hizashi’s actions Hiashi changed the ways of the Hyuuga clan. It looks like the Hyuuga clan changed for the good
Hyuuga.jpg Hyuuga Collage image by 16handssam
As you can see the Hyuuga clan has a dark past. Through time and self sacrifice, the Hyuuga clan changed their ways for the better. Lets hope it stays that way. I hope you all enjoy the post.